Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Animatic (rough sound)

My first animatic, and already I'm thinking of making quite a few changes:

-Make Onion more sinister
-Pumpernickel runs towards the staircase (cut him throwing the axe into the wall)
-Give Onion more things to due, like close the blinds, sharpen his axe, have him pull
out a to-do list, etc.
-Maybe have Onion enter through the first floor ???
-For the end credits sequence, have Pumpernickel bury the body in the backyard, and
it pan out to reveal multiple mounds of dirt.

What's most important though, is that people thought it was funny - so mission accomplished! Also as a side note, I most likely won't be using 70% of the sound I used for this animatic, since I'll be making my own via field recorder.

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